[AI] Installing and using Deepseek safely
contact me at [email protected] link\ You can play my games at https://dl.thinkingdarusik.com unless it is for sale on other platforms(such as Steam)
contact me at [email protected] link\ You can play my games at https://dl.thinkingdarusik.com unless it is for sale on other platforms(such as Steam)
contact me at [email protected] link\ Here’s one way of loading sound files in real time, without recompiling in Unreal engine in c++.\ You can play my games at https://dl.thinkingdarusik.com unless it is for sale on other platforms(such as Steam)
contact me at [email protected] link Finally, a long journey has come to an end. “Actions have consequences”, originally “black money”, made a successful presentation at the graduation project fair at our university. It went through a lot, and will go through many changes as I keep updating the project, but as for now, I’m glad that many people enjoyed the result I’ve been making for the last 6 ~ 7 months. Mainly, I’m planning to update the main menu and improve the UI before releasing the alpha version to the public, so it looks more polished. Also, one of the feedback I got was that the movement feels a bit janky, so I gotta do something about that too. ...
contact me at [email protected] link Realistic shooters like Arma have set the gold standard when it comes to authentic gunplay, often incorporating real-life ballistics into their gameplay. It’s a fascinating challenge to attempt to bring this level of realism into your own game while ensuring minimal performance impact, especially in a multiplayer setting. During my research, I stumbled upon the intriguing approach used in Insurgency: Sandstorm, which blends hitscan and projectile spawning mechanics. However, despite numerous explanations of the system, there remained some ambiguity. Some sources suggested that projectiles spawned after a set time, while others claimed it was based on distance. ...
contact me at [email protected] link I am excited to share with you my latest project: a game made with Unreal Engine 5 that uses ChatGPT API to create realistic and engaging dialogues with non-player characters (NPCs). In this project, you can interact with various NPCs, and have dynamic conversations with them. The game shows the potential of leveraging the power of Unreal Engine 5 to render stunning graphics and physics, and the flexibility of ChatGPT API to generate natural and coherent dialogues on the fly. ...
contact me at [email protected] link Buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/thinkingdarusik 1. what are Steering Behaviors? AI Steering Behaviors are algorithms used to create autonomous agents in computer simulations, such as video games. They allow agents to navigate complex environments with realistic behavior. AI Steering Behaviors are based on the concept of “steering forces,” which are the forces that affect an agent’s movement. These forces include things like the agent’s velocity, acceleration, and the environment’s obstacles. ...
contact me at [email protected] link I improved the last project I made where I put bloom ai into UE5 Though that project was finished, it had several problems. You might not have noticed due to my edits, there was actually a significantly long wait time. The game freezed while waiting, so I couldn’t do anything at that time. ...
contact me at [email protected] link I couldn’t find an inventory tutorial that quite fit my needs, so I built one from scratch. It took some time since I was also learning UE at the same time. But I managed to finish it. I think I’m now at the first peak of the dunning-kruger effect curve. After studying Gamemaker for some time, I learned that there is no end to learning an engine, so I’ll do my best to take small steps at a time. Right now, I’m satisfied with what I’ve made until now, so I’ll wrap it up and make a template out of it for future use. ...
contact me at [email protected] link Thanks to this thread: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/ue5-dedicated-server-error-assertion-failed-index-index-none/516571/25 for helping me figure this out. This was recorded a while ago, I was just procrastinating on editing the video. I’ll have to do an update on the current progress of the main project. This is a fix for: Assertion failed: Index != INDEX_NONE [File:...\Public\Animation\AttributeTypes.h] [Line: 117] Missing operator for attribute, type IntegerAnimationAttribute was not registered previously ...
contact me at [email protected] link contact me at [email protected] link