[Coding] Minimum room count

contact me at [email protected] link I came across this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INauRP_Ovtk in my recommended one day. I watched the first part, which if I understood correctly, the problem is: scheduling meetings(or interviews) meetings have a duration. get the minimum amount of rooms for set amount of meetings. they had this example to show: I thought I could do better without using trees or complicated things. Here was my initial thought: make an int array with length of 24, and set all of its members to 0. each index will be considered every hour of a day. When a new meeting is entered, increment that index’s amount by 1. For example, if a new meeting is entered from 2pm~4pm, array index 14 to 16 will be incremented by 1. Repeat the process and get the maximum value in the array. ...

September 28, 2022 · SaddleUpSamuel

[Unreal]Unreal Assertion Fix

contact me at [email protected] link Thanks to this thread: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/ue5-dedicated-server-error-assertion-failed-index-index-none/516571/25 for helping me figure this out. This was recorded a while ago, I was just procrastinating on editing the video. I’ll have to do an update on the current progress of the main project. This is a fix for: Assertion failed: Index != INDEX_NONE [File:...\Public\Animation\AttributeTypes.h] [Line: 117] Missing operator for attribute, type IntegerAnimationAttribute was not registered previously ...

May 24, 2022 · SaddleUpSamuel

[Unreal] Unreal Practice Project #1

contact me at [email protected] link contact me at [email protected] link

April 30, 2022 · SaddleUpSamuel

[Gamemaker] In-game console commands asset for GMS 2.3+ released!

I released an asset today! It is meant to be used for setting up in-game cli commands(like in the preview image). But who knows what other uses it may have! You can find it here: link contact me at [email protected] link

April 13, 2022 · SaddleUpSamuel

[Godot] Ragdoll simulation

contact me at [email protected] link I’ve always wanted to make a 3d ragdoll. It’s always an exciting experience to create something in a game engine, especially when it involves physics simulations like ragdoll. It’s understandable that Godot needs some tweaks to make the workflow better. As an alpha version, Godot 4 is still undergoing development and improvements, so I’ll be keeping an eye on it’s progress. ...

November 21, 2021 · ThinkingDarusik

[Gamemaker] (fake)3D

contact me at [email protected] link Did you know you can make a fake 3d effect using a method known as ‘sprite stacking’? I’ve made a full game using this for the 37th GM48 jam: link

June 12, 2021 · ThinkingDarusik

[Gamemaker] NPC dialogue generation using gpt-3

contact me at [email protected] link Concept project of using OpenAI GPT-3 to generate NPC dialogue in simple games, made in Gamemaker studio 2.

January 11, 2021 · ThinkingDarusik

[Gamemaker] How to make the line of sight system

contact me at [email protected] link Here’s a little how-to video of making the line of sight system using gamemaker studio I showed you earlier.

November 8, 2020 · ThinkingDarusik

[Gamemaker] Curious game jam(CGJ)

link: https://thinkingdarusik.itch.io/star-invaders I made this for the Curious Game Jam. It closely missed 3rd place, which was the highest score I’ve gotten so far and I’m pretty happy with it. Also, I believe this is the first time I had a proper background music in the game. The challenge was finding the proper balance for the enemy spawns, but that turned out to be the only negative feedback during the rating period, so I would have to play more bullet hell games to improve that part. ...

September 22, 2020 · ThinkingDarusik

[Gamemaker] line of sight system (like the one in among_us)

contact me at [email protected] link Seems like a game called ‘among us’ is popular these days. I was impressed by the vision system they were using. Turns out you can do it in Gamemaker too!

September 3, 2020 · ThinkingDarusik