[Coding] Minimum room count
contact me at [email protected] link I came across this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INauRP_Ovtk in my recommended one day. I watched the first part, which if I understood correctly, the problem is: scheduling meetings(or interviews) meetings have a duration. get the minimum amount of rooms for set amount of meetings. they had this example to show: I thought I could do better without using trees or complicated things. Here was my initial thought: make an int array with length of 24, and set all of its members to 0. each index will be considered every hour of a day. When a new meeting is entered, increment that index’s amount by 1. For example, if a new meeting is entered from 2pm~4pm, array index 14 to 16 will be incremented by 1. Repeat the process and get the maximum value in the array. ...