[Networking]DIY Homeserver - 4 month review

contact me at alex01763@gmail.com link It has been about 4 months since I’ve set up my own NAS. Initially, I’ve had much trouble and issues with it, but after I’ve got used to things, it’s been a quite stable and enjoyable experiance. When starting out, I had doubts about the capabilities of my 2-core, 2-thread CPU. However, to my pleasant surprise, it has proven to be quite capable. Currently, I have 6-7 VMs and containers running 24/7, and I’ve established regular backups based on their respective loads. Despite the initial concerns, my setup has been handling the workload effectively. ...

June 16, 2023 · SaddleUpSamuel

[Networking] Setting Up my Home Server

contact me at alex01763@gmail.com link Recently, I’ve been busy working on setting up my home server. I had a old pc that my mother used to use, so I always wanted to turn it into something useful, like maybe running a game server on it when I make a multiplayer game. I’m actually planning to make one this year, so I might consider this as a first step or something. ...

January 31, 2023 · SaddleUpSamuel