[Unreal] Playtest for AHC is now available!

contact me at [email protected] link (Limited)Playtest for Actions Have Consequences is now live on Steam! Although it is in a very alpha stage, I need help with figuring out the minimum requirements and the multiplayer stability. So if you can spare some time, it would be much appreciated if you leave a comment down below this article, or send me an email, so I can give you a key to grant access. Thanks for the support! ...

May 27, 2024 · SaddleUpSamuel

[Unreal Engine] Actions Have Consequences

contact me at [email protected] link Finally, a long journey has come to an end. “Actions have consequences”, originally “black money”, made a successful presentation at the graduation project fair at our university. It went through a lot, and will go through many changes as I keep updating the project, but as for now, I’m glad that many people enjoyed the result I’ve been making for the last 6 ~ 7 months. Mainly, I’m planning to update the main menu and improve the UI before releasing the alpha version to the public, so it looks more polished. Also, one of the feedback I got was that the movement feels a bit janky, so I gotta do something about that too. ...

November 27, 2023 · SaddleUpSamuel

[Unreal]GMTK 2023

contact me at [email protected] link This is my story of joining the 2023 GMTK jam. Traditionally, my game jam experiences have been solitary endeavors. I relished the freedom of working at my own pace, unburdened by the need for collaboration. However, this year I took a leap into uncharted territory. I decided to explore a different dynamic and enlisted the help of the GMTK team finder to assemble a team. While I won’t delve into revealing every remarkable individual I teamed up with – for reasons that will become clear – you can spot them credited as collaborators on the game’s description page (link). ...

July 10, 2023 · SaddleUpSamuel

[Unreal]Unreal Assertion Fix

contact me at [email protected] link Thanks to this thread: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/ue5-dedicated-server-error-assertion-failed-index-index-none/516571/25 for helping me figure this out. This was recorded a while ago, I was just procrastinating on editing the video. I’ll have to do an update on the current progress of the main project. This is a fix for: Assertion failed: Index != INDEX_NONE [File:...\Public\Animation\AttributeTypes.h] [Line: 117] Missing operator for attribute, type IntegerAnimationAttribute was not registered previously ...

May 24, 2022 · SaddleUpSamuel

[TheHunter] The train

March 30, 2022 · thinkingdarusik

[Sims 4] The grim Reaper

February 8, 2022 · ThinkingDarusik

[Star wars battlefront 2 2005] Campaign #7

August 26, 2021 · ThinkingDarusik

[Star wars battlefront 2 2005] Campaign #6

August 19, 2021 · ThinkingDarusik

[Star wars battlefront 2 2005] Campaign #5

August 19, 2021 · ThinkingDarusik

[Hellish quart] Executions

February 18, 2021 · ThinkingDarusik