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1. what are Steering Behaviors?
AI Steering Behaviors are algorithms used to create autonomous agents in computer simulations, such as video games. They allow agents to navigate complex environments with realistic behavior. AI Steering Behaviors are based on the concept of “steering forces,” which are the forces that affect an agent’s movement. These forces include things like the agent’s velocity, acceleration, and the environment’s obstacles.
AI Steering Behaviors can be used to create agents that have realistic and responsive behavior. For example, they can be used to create a computer-controlled character in a video game that can navigate obstacles, find the quickest route to a goal, or avoid enemies. They can also be used in robotics applications such as robotic cars.
AI Steering Behaviors are typically implemented using a combination of traditional AI techniques such as pathfinding algorithms and decision-making algorithms. By combining these techniques, AI Steering Behaviors can be used to create agents that are able to make decisions based on their environment and take the most effective route to a goal.
AI Steering Behaviors are an important tool for creating realistic and responsive autonomous agents. As AI technology continues to advance, AI Steering Behaviors will become more and more important for creating agents with realistic behavior.
2. Implementation
I’ve always wanted to try it out, but I couldn’t get it working with gamemaker. To be precise, I couldn’t get it to look pretty. Also, GML didn’t give users a lot of control back then.
So naturally in C++, it was much easier to implement the agents and behaviors. The only downside is the clipping issue, but I think it is negligible, as you can see it in the demonstration above.
I have ideas to implement this for other uses, so keep an eye on me!