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As of writing this article, Davinci Resolve 19 has issues with dealing with some packages in Ubuntu-derived distros. As a Linux mint user, here’s my finding of how to fix this problem. \

  • Extract the Davinci installation package if you haven’t already
  1. Run ./ --appimage-extract #x is the version number. 1.1 as of writing.
  2. cd into squashfs-root and run sudo ./AppRun -i. It will display the packages missing. Mine was libasound2-0.0.0 libapr1-0.0.0 libaprutil1-0.0.0
  3. nano ./AppRun or use your editor of choice to edit AppRun
  4. Under function check_ubuntu_package_deps() delete the missing package names. The suse funtion is above so double check if you’re editing the right one.
  5. Run sudo ./Apprun -i again, you should be able to install.
  6. Create a or a script with some similar name.
  7. Paste the content below

 # Array con los nombres de las bibliotecas

 # Loop para crear los enlaces simbólicos
 for lib in "${libraries[@]}"; do
     ln -sf "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/$lib" /opt/resolve/libs/
  1. sudo chmod +x and sudo

I got the answer from this stackoverflow answer. I hope you find it helpful.

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