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As the world continues to adjust to the new normal brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, people are spending more time on their phones and less time playing PC or console games. With this in mind, I decided to start making a zero player game using the Godot Engine.

Zero player games are games that don’t require any input from the player. The game plays itself, and the goal is simply to observe and enjoy. I chose this genre because it fits well with the current lifestyle of people who are always on the go.

It has been some time since I last used Godot, so I started by researching the Godot Engine and watching tutorials on how to use it. I found the engine to be user-friendly and easy to understand. I also liked that it is open-source and has a large community of developers who create helpful resources and plugins.

Next, I began to brainstorm ideas for my game. I wanted something simple yet engaging, so I decided to create a game where the player observes the hero’s journey. The world would be populated with different objects and creatures that move and interact with each other, and also with the hero.

I used Godot’s built-in scripting language, GDScript, to create the game mechanics. GDScript felt like python, so it was easy to adapt.

I also plan to add a multiplayer component. While this would add more complexity to the game, I thought it would be fun to watch different players’ worlds interact with each other. However, I decided to focus on the single-player version for now and implement multiplayer later.

Overall, I’m excited to continue developing my game and see where it takes me.

…and that was written by the new notion AI, with my prompt of course. And it summarizes the project pretty well! I had to fix some parts where we had some ‘misunderstandings’ between machine and human, but the result seems smooth enough.

 So like the article says, I’m making a little game with godot for a side project. I’m making it open source, so everyone is welcome to help me or just try it out!

Project link: