[AI] Installing and using Deepseek safely

contact me at [email protected] link\ You can play my games at https://dl.thinkingdarusik.com unless it is for sale on other platforms(such as Steam)

February 3, 2025 · SaddleUpSamuel

[Linux] Installing Davinci Resolve

contact me at [email protected] link\ As of writing this article, Davinci Resolve 19 has issues with dealing with some packages in Ubuntu-derived distros. As a Linux mint user, here’s my finding of how to fix this problem. \ Extract the Davinci installation package if you haven’t already Run ./Davinci_Resolve_19.x_linux.run --appimage-extract #x is the version number. 1.1 as of writing. cd into squashfs-root and run sudo ./AppRun -i. It will display the packages missing. Mine was libasound2-0.0.0 libapr1-0.0.0 libaprutil1-0.0.0 nano ./AppRun or use your editor of choice to edit AppRun Under function check_ubuntu_package_deps() delete the missing package names. The suse funtion is above so double check if you’re editing the right one. Run sudo ./Apprun -i again, you should be able to install. Create a fix-resolve.sh or a script with some similar name. Paste the content below #!/bin/bash # Array con los nombres de las bibliotecas libraries=( "libglib-2.0.so.0" "libgobject-2.0.so.0" "libgstreamer-1.0.so.0" "libgstsdp-1.0.so.0" "libgstwebrtc-1.0.so.0" "libgio-2.0.so.0" "libgmodule-2.0.so.0" "libgstrtp-1.0.so.0" "libgstpbutils-1.0.so.0" "libgstbase-1.0.so.0" "libgstvideo-1.0.so.0" "libgstaudio-1.0.so.0" "libgsttag-1.0.so.0" "liborc-0.4.so.0" ) # Loop para crear los enlaces simbólicos for lib in "${libraries[@]}"; do ln -sf "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/$lib" /opt/resolve/libs/ done sudo chmod +x fix-resolve.sh and sudo fix-resolve.sh I got the answer from this stackoverflow answer. I hope you find it helpful. ...

December 6, 2024 · SaddleUpSamuel

[GameDev]Like Birds now on Steam

contact me at [email protected] link Like Birds is finally on Steam! The playtest is on review and will be available soon, so please wishlist it to help me out! You can press the image below or click this link to go to the store page You can play my games at https://dl.thinkingdarusik.com unless it is for sale on other platforms(such as Steam)

September 18, 2024 · SaddleUpSamuel

[Unreal]A new project - Like Birds

contact me at [email protected] link Unfortunately, I had to scrap my previous project, “Actions Have Consequences”. It is not my first time scrapping a project, but this time it really breaks my heart since this one is the longest I’ve worked on and I had high hopes for it. There are many reasons for this decision, but in short is that the whole project was becoming too overwhelming. I am running out of resources, and as I learn more about Unreal, I’m realizing how much I didn’t know about different functions and optimization techniques. I would like to restart the whole project, but I don’t have much time. ...

July 21, 2024 · SaddleUpSamuel

[Unreal] Loading sound files in real time

contact me at [email protected] link\ Here’s one way of loading sound files in real time, without recompiling in Unreal engine in c++.\ You can play my games at https://dl.thinkingdarusik.com unless it is for sale on other platforms(such as Steam)

July 20, 2024 · SaddleUpSamuel

[Unreal] Playtest for AHC is now available!

contact me at [email protected] link (Limited)Playtest for Actions Have Consequences is now live on Steam! Although it is in a very alpha stage, I need help with figuring out the minimum requirements and the multiplayer stability. So if you can spare some time, it would be much appreciated if you leave a comment down below this article, or send me an email, so I can give you a key to grant access. Thanks for the support! ...

May 27, 2024 · SaddleUpSamuel

[SVN/Git]How to Link SVN Commits to Github

contact me at [email protected] link I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now. Since I moved on to SVN from git, there has been a certain lack of green squares on my github profile page. I thought it would look bad on my portfolio, also, I keep saying I’m working on my game, but there was no way to prove it unless I do a dev broadcast or something like that. So I decided to write a script that can listen when a svn commit is made, it would update something on a small git repository, then that git repo would automatically push to github, which would let everyone know I’m actually doing things. I’m planning to release the game when I think it’s ready(the pre-alpha versions are at https://docs.thinkingdarusik.com) ...

January 11, 2024 · SaddleUpSamuel

[GPT]Making a ChatGPT Agent That Creates NPC Dialogues

contact me at [email protected] link Note: The following names in this article have nothing to do with anyone in real life. I’m just bad at naming characters, so I just used the most generic names I could come up with Link to the AI: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-Pih8rJ8cl-npc-dialogue-generator I didn’t know that I could make custom agents with chatgpt, which would have made my previous AI projects a lot more easier. So I decided to try it out with my previous experiences on generating AI dialogues with LLM gpts ...

January 9, 2024 · SaddleUpSamuel

[Unreal Engine] Actions Have Consequences

contact me at [email protected] link Finally, a long journey has come to an end. “Actions have consequences”, originally “black money”, made a successful presentation at the graduation project fair at our university. It went through a lot, and will go through many changes as I keep updating the project, but as for now, I’m glad that many people enjoyed the result I’ve been making for the last 6 ~ 7 months. Mainly, I’m planning to update the main menu and improve the UI before releasing the alpha version to the public, so it looks more polished. Also, one of the feedback I got was that the movement feels a bit janky, so I gotta do something about that too. ...

November 27, 2023 · SaddleUpSamuel


contact me at [email protected] link Realistic shooters like Arma have set the gold standard when it comes to authentic gunplay, often incorporating real-life ballistics into their gameplay. It’s a fascinating challenge to attempt to bring this level of realism into your own game while ensuring minimal performance impact, especially in a multiplayer setting. During my research, I stumbled upon the intriguing approach used in Insurgency: Sandstorm, which blends hitscan and projectile spawning mechanics. However, despite numerous explanations of the system, there remained some ambiguity. Some sources suggested that projectiles spawned after a set time, while others claimed it was based on distance. ...

September 16, 2023 · SaddleUpSamuel