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I’ve been playing around with linux lately, and decided to try out the linux version of Unreal Engine to see how well optimized it is for the OS. TLDR; it works better than I expected, but there are some room for improvement.
First, there were not apt, or .deb packages that would let me ‘install’ the program, just a zip file with all the files and binaries. So I had to make an alias, which is not a method I really prefer to launch programs, since the location was too long to remember.
Next, the font was so tiny, it nearly hurt my eyes.
This was not only in the launcher but also in the editor. Due to the amount of blank space it was the cleanest editor layout I’ve ever seen. However, I couldn’t see anything, so I had to figure out a way to do something about it.
Turns out, you can press ctrl + shift + W to open up the widget reflector, where you can increase the size of the ide elements. The downside is, some windows, such as creating c++ classes stay the same, so you have to stretch it constantly. Which is somewhat inconvenient.
** I later found out that you can turn off these dpi settings as a more permanent fix:
There are some bugs and features missing in the blueprint editor too. The first thing that comes to mind is that the disappearing node bug was much more frequent in the linux version. Also, I couldn’t use some simple shortcuts, like alt to disconnect nodes, which was very inconvenient. In fact, the alt button was for some reason mapped differently, so in the level editor, I couldn’t use it to duplicate actors using it.
Also, I can’t get third party engine plugins natively since by default, Epic provides the engine by itself, without access to the marketplace. As for other assets, I could move the files from windows to linux by using syncthing, or google drive, though I didn’t use that one.
Like I said, there are more than a few bugs & glitches that have to be hammered out, but still, it is very usable and doesn’t really feel much different when you get used to it, other than the font size. Epic provides up to the latest Unreal version as of writing this article(5.4). Therefore I have good reason to believe they still care about linux developers.
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