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Bloom 모델을 사용하여 AI로 만들어본 소설입니다. 일단 아무것도 손을 안 댄 상태에서 어느 수준까지 왔는지 보시면 좋을 것 같아 올려봅니다!
Once upon a time, the wonderful, beautiful girl who had been so dear to him was gone. And now she is dead.
“It must be very hard for me. I have never felt as if my life were in danger, and yet it seems that there are no more people around us than before; and all of them seem like ghosts! But what do you think? Do not let your fears become too great or make things worse by making yourself feel unhappy again? I am afraid we will lose our friends forever. We shall live on this earth alone until death comes at last! And then when they die–when their bodies fade away from sight–and everything disappears…everything becomes darker….nothing can ever come back!